Raid Boss - Level 79 Ур. 1

As one of Elmoreden's Four Great Kings, the powerful and gigantic Minotaur used to be a servant of Baium. But to fulfill an old promise, he serves Death Lord Hallate. He waits, locked inside the top floor of the Tower of Insolence, for the resurrection of Baium. Equally matched in warfare with the angel's leader Shuriel, the Fire of Wrath, he holds the line against the advancement of angels and the Platinum tribe.

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Raid Boss - Level 79 Ур. 1 [selected] As one of Elmoreden's Four Great Kings, the powerful and gigantic Minotaur used to be a servant of Baium. But to fulfill an old promise, he serves Death Lord Hallate. He waits, locked inside the top floor of the Tower of Insolence, for the resurrection of Baium. Equally matched in warfare with the angel's leader Shuriel, the Fire of Wrath, he holds the line against the advancement of angels and the Platinum tribe.