Power Smash Ур. 15

Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 326. Over-hit possible.

Потребляет 74 MP
Время перезарядки 13 сек.
Дальность применения 40 (400)
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_none
Доступно для Воитель Ур. 36, Налётчик Ур. 36
Power Smash Ур. 1 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 90. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 2 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 97. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 3 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 105. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 4 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 123. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 5 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 132. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 6 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 143. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 7 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 165. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 8 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 177. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 9 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 191. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 10 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 219. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 11 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 235. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 12 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 251. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 13 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 287. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 14 Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 306. Over-hit possible.
Power Smash Ур. 15 [selected] Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Power 326. Over-hit possible.