Stun Attack Ур. 6

A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 48.

Потребляет 46 MP
Время перезарядки 13 сек.
Время действия 9
Дальность применения 40 (400)
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_shock
Доступно для Воитель Ур. 24, Налётчик Ур. 24, Собиратель Ур. 24, Ремесленник Ур. 24, Шаман Ур. 25
Stun Attack Ур. 1 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 30.
Stun Attack Ур. 2 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 33.
Stun Attack Ур. 3 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 35.
Stun Attack Ур. 4 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 41.
Stun Attack Ур. 5 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 44.
Stun Attack Ур. 6 [selected] A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 48.
Stun Attack Ур. 7 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 55.
Stun Attack Ур. 8 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 59.
Stun Attack Ур. 9 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 64.
Stun Attack Ур. 10 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 73.
Stun Attack Ур. 11 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 79.
Stun Attack Ур. 12 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 84.
Stun Attack Ур. 13 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 96.
Stun Attack Ур. 14 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 102.
Stun Attack Ур. 15 A stunning blow that inflicts great pain. Target is dazed. The target cannot be stunned, shocked or dazed again while this is in effect. An equipped blunt weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 109.