Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 1

Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 61.

Потребляет 76 MP
Время перезарядки 6 сек.
Дальность применения 900 (1400)
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_wind
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 1 [selected] Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 61.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 2 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 66.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 3 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 72.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 4 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 77.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 5 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 82.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 6 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 87.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 7 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 92.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 8 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 97.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 9 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 102.
Item Skill: Hurricane Ур. 10 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 110.