24.09.2024 14:10 ·
918 ·
1) Big War on MW S4 (Fire) we saw the biggest clan capturing all castles and decide who can pray and capture the castle in their favor.. the second biggest clan didnt have a castle because of that issue, they even create bot clans (not even in alliance) and they was going to every castle and capture it with bot clans this dosent give a chance to other clans. My suggestion is when entering the Siege zone, ONLY the clan / alliance who is registed for the siege should be available to attack, heal, etc on the siege zone. Maybe add some return to village penalty for the players that are not in a clan so that way we can avoid "cameras" on castle sieges. and if even the biggest clan can win every siege they can atleast capture maximal 4 castles. Some penalty for Leaving alliance, so they are not going to abuse that by removing someone from alliance and invite a box clan in their alliance only for the pray.
2) Mid company, add some limit of players in a clan or define what mid company means.. last season we was fighting 200 vs 600 on a castle siege and thats called midcompany was it fair ? is really 600 still midcompany ? here was again the same issue with box clans and capturing all the castles from one alliance.